Looking for a Lost Voice Cure? Here are 5 Natural Remedies for You to Choose From

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It’s every singer and actors worst nightmare. After months of preparing, memorizing the words, getting in character, and going through whatever ritual you go through before a great opportunity. And then it happens. You lose your voice. You break in a sweat, you’re spirit and hopes come crashing down because you just can’t afford to lose this opportunity.

And then, fortunately, you bump into this article about a lost voice cure. Read on then.

What Causes Voice Loss?

There are 2 main causes for lost voice and thankfully, both have a cure. The first cause is a bacterial infection and is best treated by seeking medical attention. The second cause of voice loss is strained vocal cords. If you’re a singer or an actor, there are times when the work can be so intense as to lead to you actually overworking your voice box – leading to voice loss. Inflammation caused by reflux or heartburn.

How to Avoid Voice Loss (Proactive Voice Maintenance)

Lost voice cure

While the bacteria-caused voice loss can’t totally be avoided, there are ways to avoid being in a situation where you’re in panic mode because of voice loss.

1. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise will help you build a stronger immune system. The stronger your immune system, the less risk you have of catching an infection. Exercise also helps by building strong muscles, which in turn provides good posture for clear breathing and unstrained speaking.

2. Eat Well

Maintaining a healthy diet is essential to preventing voice loss. A healthy diet means a strong body that can resist infections. Avoid foods that cause reflux and stomach acids – if it’s spicy, avoid it. Foods that contain vitamin A, E and C are essential in keeping the mucous membranes that line the throat.

3. Keep Yourself Well Hydrated

This does not just mean drinking plenty of fluids. It also means avoiding foods and fluids that can lead to dehydration. Alcohol and drinks high in caffeine are 2 such fluids to avoid. 

4. Avoid Mouthwash

Mouthwash contains alcohol and other chemical irritants. If you have to use it, use it orally, don’t gargle. If you have to gargle, use a salt solution. 

5. Use Your Voice Correctly

Avoid using the extreme ranges of your voice, such as shouting, screaming, or even whispering as these put a strain on your vocal cords.  Whenever necessary, rest your voice – it needs it. Sometimes you can get a sore throat from singing if you overuse your voice.

Lost Voice Cure – Simple Remedies to Speed Up Voice Recovery

Because voice loss is a common problem, a lot of research has gone into finding quick remedies. And because it’s a common problem, there are bound to be some “snake-oil salesmen” who will try and sell you some remedies that are questionable.

The remedies I’m about to share with you are all DIY, cheap, and above all, natural.

Lemon, Ginger, Honey, and Hot Water Remedies

This is one of the most potent sore throat remedies you can make in your house. All three major components are powerful remedies on their own, and when mixed together, their combined effect is just phenomenal.

For Gargling

To make the gargle, mix a teaspoon of powdered ginger, a teaspoon of honey, and the juice of half a lemon in half a cup of hot water. Use the mixture to a gargle.

For Drinking

Place diced or grated ginger, lemon juice and chunks of the flesh and skin of the lemon in a cup and pour in some hot water. Stir in honey as required, preferably a teaspoon or two. Sip on the mixture when it is warm, don’t let it get cold.

Sore Throat Tea Remedies

If you’re a tea lover (or not) these tea remedies will help get your voice back in tune as quick as your kettle can whistle. Besides keeping you hydrated, some teas have antioxidants that can ward of infections and also have anti-inflammatory effects that reduce the swelling and irritation of the throat.

1. Horehound Tea

Horehound is a super herb with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This super herb is in the mint family and can easily be found at your local pharmacy (in tea form) or health food store. Horehound has been used traditionally for centuries in the remedy of coughs and sore throats.

2. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is one of the most widely used teas in the world due to it being readily available and very effective. Its powerful anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties make it a fan favorite. If you’re looking for a tea that helps sore throat, this is one you will quickly come across. And it won’t disappoint.

3. Slippery Elm Tea

Slippery elm contains a substance called mucilage, which turns into a gel-like matter when mixed with water. Drinking slippery elm tea results in the gel coating and soothing your sore throat.

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